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Literary Management

Literary management programs are mainly there to assist you with reference work and citing sources. You can create a complete literary bibliography using these tools. Effectively using literary management programs helps organize and structure the selected literature.


Citavi is free to use for all employees and students of the FH Kufstein Tirol.

This reference management tool can be used for scientific work. Literature research or the writing process, be it for papers or theses, can be better organized and structured with Citavi. The correct citation style and the layout of the references can be pre-set. It is also possible to create tasks and distribute them, which is particularly interesting for research groups who write texts together.

Within the program, click on "My University", select "University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol" and log in with your personal university e-mail address ( and your password. The e-mail has to be confirmed once.

More information for students can be found in the introductory course for scientific work with Citavi. To sign up for the workshop, either do so individually (via e-mail to or have your lecturer book the workshop for the entire class. Specific dates will be given out via e-mail.


A free to use and resourceful literary management program, which is similar to Citavi. We advise to use Zotero specifically for Apple users.

To use Zotero, please download the program here. After successful installation, please open the program.

Video: Additional information

In its essence, Zotero is very similar to Citavi. Literature can be organized through the "Library" tab. In the middle, you will find the section "Overview". The green plus or the magic wand allow you to create new entries. On the right side, entries can be edited and metadata can be added. Zotero can also be used to integrate quotes, citations, summaries or comments directly into your writing program.

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