
Language Courses

Whereas most of the regular courses held at FH Kufstein are taught in German, the courses of the International Program are all held in English. International students have the possibility to take German language courses as part of their academic program.

The FH Kufstein places great emphasis on offering students an international and multicultural education. Besides English, students have the possibility to choose from a range of other foreign languages. However, apart from these required courses, students may opt to participate in the foreign language courses offered by the FH Kufstein Tirol International Business School GmbH. These supplementary courses are not for credit, but students receive a certificate and take away a wealth of knowledge about language and culture.

The lectures and seminars organized by the International Program are held in English. Also, there are a number of courses, held in English, in the regular study programs at the FH Kufstein which are open to the students of the International Program. Furthermore, the students of the International Program are encouraged to take part in a German course during the semester.

News of the FH Kufstein

Matura Award 2024 geht an das Gnadenthal Gymnasium Ingolstadt

Dieses Jahr hatte die Klasse Q12 des Gnadenthal Gymnasiums Ingolstadt beim Matura Award Wettbewerb der FH Kufstein Tirol besonders viel Glück. Unter den vielen Teilnehmenden aus Österreich, Deutschland und Südtirol entschied das Los zugunsten der Klasse des musischen Gymnasiums.

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Study Trip Sarajevo 2024

28 students from the Sports, Culture & Events Management (SCEM) master’s full-time program of the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein organized a successful study trip to Sarajevo from the 15th to 19th of April 2024.

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Studium mit Lehrabschluss – geht das?

Die Antwort ist: JA! Ein Studium an einer Fachhochschule in Österreich ist grundsätzlich auch mit einem facheinschlägigen Lehrabschluss möglich. Maximal drei Zusatzprüfungen in Deutsch, Englisch und Mathematik müssen im ersten Studienjahr absolviert werden, um die Hochschulreife zu ersetzen.

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