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Bachelor Programm

Bachelor degree programs at the FH Kufstein Tirol

The FH Kufstein Tirol offers a range of bachelor degree programs for future-oriented professions with excellent job perspectives. The programs are characterized by their internationality – there are more than 215 partner universities around the world that help foster student and faculty mobility – as well as a practical orientation to their respective fields.

In the full-time bachelor degree programs, students spend a mandatory semester at a university abroad; in the degree program International Business Studies students go abroad for an entire academic year. In the part-time programs, students gain international exposure through shorter study trips abroad, internships and courses in English. Furthermore, students can acquire additional qualifications by selecting a study focus which gives them specialized insights into their professional field.

The quality of the education students receive at the FH Kufstein is ensured in a number of ways. For one, students are mentored by highly motivated faculty members and small class sizes mean that students are in intensive contact with them. Moreover, the courses have a strong practical focus and the study programs are tightly networked with the respective industries. With this solid educational background that includes many rich experiences, students can expect to find top-notch opportunities on the labor market – in fact, on average, every student receives two job offers even before graduation.

Bachelor's degree programs

News of the FH Kufstein

Connecting Students and Alumni: MyWay Inspires with New Interview Series

The innovative online business project MyWay is excited to share the success of its livestream interview series, connecting students of the University of Applied Science Kufstein Tyrol with illustrious alumni. This initiative, focusing on the Sport, Culture, and Event Management (SCEM) Master’s Degree program, has significantly bridged the gap between current students and successful professionals in the industry.

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Gesundheit im Fokus: Ein Tag voller Inspirationen an der FH Kufstein Tirol

Der erste erfolgreiche Gesundheitstag am 18. April an der FH Kufstein Tirol verlief mit Energie und Enthusiasmus. Dabei erlebten Mitarbeitende, Studierende und die Öffentlichkeit ein kostenloses und vielseitiges Programm, das Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden in den Mittelpunkt stellte.

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Innovative Praxisprojekte im Studiengang Smart Products & Solutions an der FH Kufstein Tirol

In einer Reihe von herausragenden Praxisprojekten haben sich Studierende des Masterstudiengangs Smart Products & Solutions an der FH Kufstein Tirol mit zukunftsweisenden Technologien auseinandergesetzt.

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