Health Insurance
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Health Insurance

All students of the FH Kufstein Tirol must be in possession of a health insurance that covers possible treatment costs.

Health insurance for students from Austria

Austrian students are automatically co-insured with their parents (until the age of 26) or must insure themselves with the Österreichischen Gesundheitskasse.

Health insurance for students from EU/EEA countries or Switzerland

Students who have valid state health insurance in their home country can apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from the health insurance institution in their country of origin. With this card, all medically necessary services of the public health care system in Austria are accessible. (Source: OEAD)

Health insurance for students from third countries

Information on insurance depending on your needs can be found in the database Entry and Residence of the OEAD.

ÖH student insurance

By paying the ÖH membership fee, you are automatically covered by accident and liability insurance through the ÖH.


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