Study Infos

Allocation of ECTS Credits

The workload demanded by the curricula of our degree programs is measured by means of ECTS credits. In accordance with the European Credit Transfer System, 30 credits per semester, i.e., 60 credits per year, are allocated to the individual courses and academic activities. In Austria 60 credits per year mean 1.500 hours workload.

Credits are also awarded for the successful completion of the internships and the research work for the bachelor or diploma theses. In general, the allocation of the ECTS in the individual degree programs follows a specific calculation key that includes contact hours (i.e., time spent attending lectures, etc.), time for preparing and following up on classes, as well as self-study periods.

The workload is evaluated regularly with the students and will be adjusted if necessary.

News of the FH Kufstein

Spannende Innovation Expedition im Rahmen einer Kurzzeitmobilität für Studierende in Litauen

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Neuer Instagram-Kanal der FH Kufstein Tirol stellt Praxisprojekte und Events ins Rampenlicht

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Pint of Science Festival erstmalig zu Gast in Kufstein

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