Die Projektbeteiligten trafen sich in der slowenischen Region Pomurje für das Kick-Off Meeting.
FH Kufstein Tirol
The project participants met in the Slovenian region of Pomurje for the kick-off meeting.

Kick-Off for the Interreg CE Project GREENE 4.0

20.04.2023 | Research
The initial meeting with all nine project partners from seven European countries took place at the Pomurje Technology Park in Slovenia. The project aims to connect manufacturing industries with start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

In the Slovenian region of Pomurje, at the invitation of the local technology park, the nine partners of the Interreg CE project GREENE 4.0 met from April 11 to 13, 2023, to officially launch the project. Participants from Austria and partners from Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary were involved. In attendance and representing the University of Applied Sciences (FH) Kufstein Tirol were Prof. (FH) DDr. Mario Situm, Dipl.-Kfm. Karin Steiner, and Lukas Hartleif, MA. The trio was very pleased with the exchange with the other attendees: "The event was a complete success. We got to meet researchers and economic institutions from all over Central Europe. This is exactly how inter-regional research should be experienced. Our special thanks go to the team from Pomurje Technology Park for the excellent organization of the meeting."

Networking between manufacturing industries and start-ups

The project aims to connect the manufacturing industry with start-ups and SMEs. The objective is to find solutions that make the producers' value and supply chains smarter and greener. To achieve this, the initial work package will first identify the needs of the manufacturing industry and the solutions that start-ups and SMEs offer. This is followed by the development of a survey under the leadership of the University of Ljubljana, which asks companies in the participating project regions for their assessment. The result is expected to allow for the segmentation of various solution approaches and needs, providing the basis for further work packages. The next on-site coordination meeting of the project partners will take place on September 26 and 27, 2023, in Kufstein.



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