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Databases and literature

In our library’s search engine, most databases are included. Exceptions are the Austrian Standards, Marketline and Statista.

From within the FH-Campus, these databases are accessible without further login credentials. Outside of the FH-Campus, the login required to access these databases is as follows:

  • e-mail ( and standard password
  • More information about the log in process is available within the corresponding database description.

Licensed Databases of the kubi

ACM Digital Library

ACM is a specialized website focussed on computer science. The database offers access to electronic publications of the "Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)".

Login Information: Click "Sign-In" on the top right corner of the page, then "Institutional Login" and look for "University of Applied Sciences Kufstein". Then log in using your personal e-mail ( and your password.

Austrian Standards

The digital reading room from Austrian Standards is an online solution for researching and accessing norms, as well as their development. In cooperation with the ISO, CEN and ETSI, Austrian Standards connects people from economics, science, management and NGOs. It offers a variety of correlating norms, documents and information.

Login Information: Log in using your personal information ( & password). On the following page, accept the General Terms & Conditions (AGBs) and confirm your e-mail, then you may access the digital reading room.


More than 200 years ago, Brockhaus established an encyclopaedia with around 300.000 keywords. It is the most popular and extensive encyclopaedia in German-speaking countries.

Login Information: Click "Log In" on the top right corner, then log in with Shibboleth. Following this, choose "Fachhochschule Kufstein" as your institution.

Connected Papers

Connected Papers is a research platform that displays similar content based on a specific article. Connected Papers provides a visual representation of the results, which can also be displayed as a list. The results presented are selected based on the content of the literature used for each article.

Log-in information: When you logging in for the first time, an account must be created once. To do this, click on "Log in", enter the FH e-mail address, enter a display name and enter a password. The e-mail address must then be confirmed. Once this process has been completed, you can log in with your FH e-mail address and the password you have chosen.


These databases are available via EBSCO for all students and educators of the FH Kufstein Tirol:

  • EBSCO Business Source Premier: This database includes all major economic discourses in science.
  • EBSCO CMMC: "Communication & Mass Media Complete" offers you a comprehensive archive on communication studies.
  • EBSCO ebook Collection: Features more than 200.000 e-books.
  • EBSCO Econlit: As a supplement to Business Source, this database includes articles of further fields of science.
  • EBSCO Sport Discus: "SportDiscus" includes a wide range of databases about medicine and science related to sport.

Emerald Insight

Emerald is a leading supplier in the fields of business & management. The database offers more than 350 full text articles and special tools (i.e. case studies, interviews, reviews).

Login Information: After logging in using your personal data ( & password), click "Find your Institution" and locate "Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol".

EZB - Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek

As a bibliographic database the Electronic Journals Library „EZB” offers a service to facilitate the use of scholarly journals on the internet. It reflects the scientific e-journal inventory of the FH Kufstein in listing them by subject area. The availability of full-text access is indicated by traffic-light symbols according to the license situation:

Green marks all full-texts without any access restrictions. Yellow shows content that is for university members only – i.e., only with university credentials accessible. A combination of yellow and red displays e-journals for which the FH Kufstein does not provide complete access to. E-journals marked with red are not licensed by the FH Kufstein and hence are not available.

Herdt Campus

Herdt-Campus offers practice-oriented materials about IT. It offers several additional materials, such as video tutorials and document examples.

Login Information: Log in using your personal data ( & password).

Linde Digital

We have licensed the database "Taxation and Economy", allowing users to access all media concerning these topics. You can find tutorials and webinars on the Linde Digital database here.

Login Information: Click "Log in" and then "Log in with institution". Find "Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol" and then continue using your personal data ( & password).


This wide-ranging information tool for economics features information about medium-sized enterprises as well as global players.

Login Information: To log in, click "Alternatively you can sign in via" Shibboleth then locate "the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein".


Springer is a worldwide leading publisher in science, aiding researchers working in universities or research facilities as well as companies with innovative products and services with a broad range of high quality content. The kubi currently holds a license for all e-journals and all e-books concerning economics.

Login Information: Log in by choosing "Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol Bildungs GmbH", then sign in using your personal e-mail ( and your password.


Statista is a German website featuring statistics, specifically data from market research and polling institutions, but also general economic data and official statistics in German, English, Spanish and French, making it one of the largest statistical databases worldwide.

Login Information: To access Statista, click on the three bars on the top right corner, locate "Zum Campus-Zugang" then choose the section "Außerhalb vom Campus", find "Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol Bildungs GmbH" and log in using your personal data ( & password).


The kubi mainly has licensed e-books concerning "scientific work" from UTB.

Login Information:  To log in, click "Anmelden via Shibboleth" then locate "Kufstein Fh" and log in using your personal information ( & password).


Wiso is the largest database for scientific research in German-speaking countries, with a focus on economic and social sciences. They offer a comprehensive range of publications of different trade associations and similar institutions.

Login Information:  To log in, click "Institutional Login" then locate "Kufstein FH" and log in using your personal e-mail and password.

News of the FH Kufstein

Optimierung der internen Kommunikations-architektur

Studierende des Studiengangs Internationale Wirtschaft & Management analysierten für das Ebbser Unternehmen 3CON Anlagenbau GmbH bestehende Kommunikationswege. Daraus entstanden vier verschiedene Konzepte zur Verbesserung der Kommunikationsarchitektur.

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Kulturerlebnis für Schüler:innen an der FH Kufstein Tirol: Stilles Hören – wenn Hände Sprechen

Das Praxisprojekt Stilles Hören – wenn Hände sprechen der FH Kufstein Tirol bot durch einen interaktiven Vortrag einer gehörlosen Pädagogin Schüler:innen im Juni 2024 einen praxisnahen Einblick in die Welt der Gehörlosen.

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Vorstellung der Praxisprojekte des Studiengangs Sport-, Kultur- & Veranstaltungsmanagement im Rahmen der EXPOnline

Am 28. Juni 2024 erfolgte die Ausstrahlung des EXPOnline-Livestreams und damit die Präsentation der über 20 Praxisprojekte des Studiengangs im Sommersemester 2024.

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