Studierende des Studiengangs Internationale Wirtschaft & Management analysierten für das Ebbser Unternehmen 3CON Anlagenbau GmbH bestehende Kommunikationswege. Daraus entstanden vier verschiedene Konzepte zur Verbesserung der Kommunikationsarchitektur.
Diploma Supplement
The Diploma Supplement is a detailed transcript that is appended to the diploma or certificate conferred upon the student. This document has a standardized format and contains a clear description of the degree program’s curriculum as well as the academic and professional qualifications a student has attained through the successful completion of his or her studies. The Diploma Supplement was conceived to advance international transparency, to simplify level placement and facilitate the recognition of European university degrees. All students receive a Diploma Supplement automatically and free of charge upon graduation. Students receive a copy in English and German (i.e., in the language of the country the studies were completed in).