Energy & Sustainability Management PT
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Innovative business concepts

level of course unit


Learning outcomes of course unit

The students are able to:
• Classify and evaluate sustainable innovations, eco-design and technology trends in the energy industry and sustainability sector
• Develop business models for innovative energy applications as well as sustainability services and products
• Classify technology trends along the value chain
• Identify potentials and challenges of technology trends
• Critically evaluate new business models in the energy sector
• Describe design thinking and open innovation as possibilities in the innovation process and apply them in examples

prerequisites and co-requisites

Module Innovative Energy Concepts

course contents

• Sustainable innovations, eco-design and trends in the energy industry and energy technology as well as the sustainability industry
• Development status of technological trends
• Innovative business models in the energy and sustainability industry
• Value chain of the energy industry and sustainability industry
• Design Thinking
• Open Innovation

recommended or required reading

• Guan, C., Z. Jiang, und D. Ding, 2020. The Emerging Business Models. Singapur: World Scientific Publishing Companys Pte Limited
• Rogers, E., 2016. Diffusion of Innovations Simon & Schuster International. 5.Auflage. New York: Free Press
• Kelley, T., 2016. The Art of Innovation. London: Profile Books Verlag
• Köhler-Schute, C., 2011. Wettbewerbsorientierter Vertrieb in der Energiewirtschaft: Kundenverlustprävention, neue Geschäftsfelder und Produkte, optimierte Geschäftsprozesse. 2. Auflage. Berlin: KS-Energy-Verlag
• Lewrick, M. et al., 2018. Das Design Thinking Playbook: Mit traditionellen, aktuellen und zukünftigen Erfolgsfaktoren. München: Vahlen

assessment methods and criteria


language of instruction


number of ECTS credits allocated


eLearning quota in percent


course-hours-per-week (chw)


planned learning activities and teaching methods

Blended Learning

semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered


name of lecturer(s)

director of studies

course unit code


type of course unit

integrated lecture

mode of delivery
