
Markus W. Exler

Exler Markus W.
Prof. (FH) Dr. Markus W. Exler
Head of Restructuring Institute
+43 5372 71819 102

In the spotlight

At the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol (FH Kufstein Tirol), Markus Exler is responsible for the Corporate Restructuring Institute that he founded. Regular guest professorships at the Institute of Management Technology in Ghazibad, India and Dubai with lectures on the subject areas of mergers & acquisitions as well as corporate restructuring contribute to the further development of his scientific approaches.

Every year he passionately moderates the International Restructuring Symposium – a corporate event for transformation and turnaround established in 2012 at the University of Applied Sciences in Kufstein. Once per month he has discussions with colleagues and one guest each time in the online conversation format Talk 3 plus 1. The topic of conversation is options for further developing and restructuring companies in transformation phases.

As part of the partnership with Quest Consulting AG in Rosenheim, he gives advice to managers and entrepreneurs about the challenges of selling companies, transformation, and turnaround. As a board member at the German Association of Management Consultancies, he very much likes to participate in structuring the work in order to be in close dialog with his colleagues. As a restructuring consultant, he does not consider corporate restructuring to be a stigma or consequence of a crisis but rather a component of normal corporate development.

It gives him pleasure to be able to participate in structuring valuable work in a new agile company as an advisory board member of Keyplayer Interim Management GmbH & Co. KG, Munich.

His professional background is: managing partner of M.A.C. Mergers & Acquisitions-Consulting GmbH in Vienna, which offered a wonderful opportunity to also be active in Eastern Europe; for Interfinanz GmbH in Düsseldorf he primarily negotiated international M&A transactions. One of his most exciting times was in the New York branch of what today is HypoVereinsbank AG when he was able to complete a trainee program in Corporate Finance. His degree program and doctorate were at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

He plays golf enthusiastically and is very glad to live at his two residences in Nuremberg and Kufstein and especially since at Kufstein he has the opportunity to go skiing at Kitzbühel.

Corporate Restructuring Institute at FH Kufstein Tirol

At the Corporate Restructuring Institute at FH Kufstein Tirol, we deal with implementing methods and change processes in the entire lifecycle of companies. Agile companies regard technological transformation and the necessary changes as an opportunity, develop customer-oriented innovations, and constantly question their business model. We give consideration to the entire corporate cycle from start-up to corporate development to re-entrepreneuring (turnaround). Our portfolio consists of the following activities:

  • Annual conference “International Corporate Restructuring Symposium” with approximately 400 participants annually since 2012 
  • Certification program “Certified Turnaround Professional” with three by three days since 2013 
  • Master’s degree program (part-time) “Corporate Transformation Management”; duration of 4 semesters since 2006

Our range of services is complemented by generation and publication of research results as well as the accompanying book “Restructuring and Turnaround Management, 2019, 2nd Edition.”

Details: restrukturierung.fh-kufstein.ac.at 

I look forward to meeting you personally.

Yours sincerely,
Markus Exler

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