Post Graduate

Human Resource Management

level of course unit

1. Master cycle

Learning outcomes of course unit

The participants:
• know the fields of activity and sub-areas of personnel management: Are able to analyze and plan the personnel situation of a company
•can analyze and plan the personnel situation of a company
• are familiar with the most important concepts and tools of personnel management and are able to design the fields of activity relevant to management
• know the connection between human resources work and strategic corporate development
• know the basics of work, industrial and organizational psychology and its applications and sub-areas
• know the goals and subject areas of personnel controlling
• can apply relevant personnel controlling tools
• know the co-determination and participation rights of works council, MAV and their influence on concepts and tools
• are able to apply modern recruiting strategies that use digital tools and platforms to optimize the recruitment process
• understand the importance of diversity management and can develop and implement strategies to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace

prerequisites and co-requisites


course contents

• Basics of human resources management and human resource management: Human resources management in the overall system of business processes: Tasks and functions of individual sub-areas of personnel management
• Basics of operational and strategic personnel management
• Organizational culture and development: Conflicts in organizations and organizational diagnosis
• motivation theories, employee interviews as an instrument of personnel management
• concepts and instruments of structural and process organization
• interaction between personnel and organizational development
• work structuring: Job Enrichment, Job Enlargement
• Operational and Strategic Personnel Controlling
• Leadership Methods, Styles and Techniques, Framework Model and Determinants of Leadership
• Basics of Industrial, Organizational and Personnel Psychology
• Employer Branding and Recruiting Strategies
• Diversity Management and Inclusion

recommended or required reading

• Miebach, B. (2017): Handbuch Human Resource Management: Das Individuum und seine Potentiale für die Organisation
• Bildat, L./ Warszta, T. (2017): Psychologie im Human Resource Management: Ein Lehrbuch für Hochschule und Praxis
• Achouri, C. (2015): Human Resources Management: Eine praxisbasierte Einführung
• Holtbrügge, D. (2018): Personalmanagement
• Kaudela-Baum/ Nagel, E./ Bürkler, P./ Glanzmann, V.(2018): Führung lernen: Fallstudien zu Führung, Personalmanagement und Organisation
• Stierle, J./ Glasmacher, K./ Siller, H. (2017): Praxiswissen Personalcontrolling: Erfolgreiche Strategien und interdisziplinäre Ansätze für die Ressource Mensch
• Bartscher, T./ Nissen, R. (2017): Personalmanagement: Grundlagen, Handlungsfelder, Praxis
• Nerdinger (2018): Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
Wegerich, C. (2015): Strategische Personalentwicklung in der Praxis: Instrumente, Erfolgsmodelle, Checklisten

assessment methods and criteria

Portfolio work

language of instruction


number of ECTS credits allocated


eLearning quota in percent


course-hours-per-week (chw)


planned learning activities and teaching methods

ILV (Blended Learning, Inverted Classroom)

semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered


name of lecturer(s)


year of study


recommended optional program components


course unit code


type of course unit

integrated lecture

mode of delivery


work placement(s)
